
Happy new year 2023
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Happy new year 2023
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Happy New Year 2023 - Board wishes

05 January 2024 Life of the association
Viewed 341 times

Dear LFIP alumni, dear LFIP friends,

We started 2022 with many dreams!
The past year has been full of great energy, punctuated by a number of fantastic events, such as the Citizen M themed after-works, the now-famous convivialthe now-famous Mauzac Thursdays, the unforgettable picnic during which the beautiful white drape was on a par with the splendor of the Hôtel des Invalides, and studious workshops with our students, high-school pupils and the younger members of LFIP... At every one of these events, you were there, the advisors, the actors, the nostalgic in search of conviviality, the coaches "daring the professions", the beautiful marchers in the Parc de Breteuil, the friends, brothers and sisters of the LFIP Alumni!
We thank you for making our wild dream a reality, now firmly anchored in the LFIP Alumni landscape!
Rest assured, the LFIP Alumi project incubator will continue to run at full speed, helping LFIP alumni and their friends to shine throughout 2023.
That's our wish for the new year... many bridges to build, doors to open, horizons to expand, with you, for you and thanks to you!
Thank you for your support, and a happy new year to all!
The Board of LFIP Alumni

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